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Adult dating with real people
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Adult dating

As you have found this page as a result of searching for 'Adult Dating' we know you are interested to find out more. There are some incredibly exciting things to look forward to on your journey and some serious obstacles to avoid. Take your time to navigate through our advice and we hope to see you as an active member in approximately 10 minutes' time.

Why Choose Adult Dating?

Adult dating, also known as casual dating allows singles to focus on a sex first relationship. Imagine dating someone for months and when you finally get intimate it is a disaster!

With you can meet like-minded singles who put an emphasis on the physical side of relationships.

Our members often are looking for friends with benefits 'FWB' but that doesn't stop them from moving on to a long term relationship or even marriage.

Saucy Dates Adult dating

Sex First
Sex First
Hook up with like-minded singles who want to have great sex followed by a relationship rather than the traditional reverse approach. With Saucy Dates you can be sure the physical relationship is wonderful right at the start. Enjoy a passionate relationship with the freedom from the serious commitment.
New Fantasies
New Fantasies
Do you have an unfulfilled sexual fantasy? Adult Dating is the best way to find someone to help you cross it off your list. Traditional dating can make it challenging to suggest something new and kinky. You don't have to hope you get lucky with Saucy Dates, you can ask upfront.
Have your previous relationships lacked excitement in the bedroom? Finding a like-minded partner with an appetite for adventurous sex can be a reality with Saucy Dates. Pillow princesses and selfish men need not apply!
Adult dating has to be private and we have really focused on that from on onset of designing our site and app. You have the ability to date anonymously if you wish and only share personal data with someone you are interested in.

10 Reasons to choose Adult Dating

View the short presentation on why adult dating could be right for you.

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Real people, real dates

Adult dating can have a bad reputation due to the company operated profiles and bots as discussed on Wikipedia. Disreputable offshore companies develop sites that have no real women and they make men pay to talk to computer code. They then replicate the site and rebrand it over and over again. This means that majority of adult dating sites are not real. Maybe you have joined one of these in the past?

They are easy to spot as their branding and design are highly sexual and targeted at men. Ask yourself, 'Would a single woman actually join this site?'.

Saucy Dates doesn't makeup profiles and every account is made by a real person. That doesn't mean that every user is genuine. There will always be other people making up profiles which is why we make it easy to report a user. We have a zero-tolerance for scammers and will erase these accounts. With a fake dating site, it is impossible to have a real date. Members of Saucy Dates are meeting up every day!

Adult dating helps you determine what you want

On a traditional dating site, you may be focused on traits that are defined by the site's functionality. If a site asks about your views on having children, genres of music or political views you may limit your options, for example, 'I could never date someone who likes jazz music!'. Saucy Dates ask questions about sexual passions and desires, our members are not that worried about musical tastes. What you may find is that you don't really care about traits that you considered a deal-breaker in the past. You may also not be that concerned about distance to travel as hooking up with someone in another city may provide more freedom and variety.

Adult dating can also help with your future relationship goals. Maybe you just aren't looking for commitment right now. This could be because you are too young to settle down or recently separated and want to enjoy yourself. Later, you may decide you are ready for a longer-term relationship. This committed partnership could be your former casual partner or someone completely different as you know more about what you really want.

You may learn to narrow down what is important to you and what is irrelevant.

''Casual dating is a great way to narrow down what really matters to you in a relationship. For example, you might learn that what you really want is someone who: has a similar schedule, wants to have sex regularly, enjoys waking up early, isn’t diet-conscious. Alternately, you might find that these things aren’t really deal breakers for you.''
Crystal Raypole
Crystal Raypole, Heathline

Good sex is good for you!

Single and stressed? Adult dating could be that stress buster you're looking for. The world today is more stressful than ever, money worries, pandemics and global conflicts.

These are the top benefits of regular sex:

  • Improves your immune system
  • Boost your sex drive
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Counts and exercise
  • Lowers heart attack risk
  • Lessens pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Eases stress
Sex doesn't have to last as long as most would wish to boost your wellbeing, a quick session will release all the chemicals your need to feel relaxed and burns considerably more calories than sitting in front of the television.

Being close to your partner can soothe stress and anxiety. A good sex life is good for your heart. Besides being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.
Kara Mayer Robinson
Robinson, WebMD

Adult dating and privacy

If you are looking for a casual relationship then online dating is ideal as you can separate it from your circle of friends and work colleagues.

When it comes to adult dating you really should think about privacy, you are going to share your private life online, and here are several things you should consider. You need to trust the company that provides the dating site, are they storing your passwords correctly, do they erase old data and how is your location data stored? These are just a few questions, in reality, there are many more you should consider. However, it is impossible to really know what happens to your data. At Saucy Dates, we have designed a platform that uses a minimal amount of personal data and we automatically delete old data.

Once you have found a site you trust you then need to consider the data you share. We only allow users to enter a first name and request age rather than the date of birth. The pictures you share need special consideration. Some sites insist you upload a picture, we don't. You can share your picture when you are ready, why do people you have no interest in meeting need to see your picture?

When you are researching a privacy-focused dating site you also need to be aware of fake review sites. Often these top the search results and the reviews are lies to trick you into joining a scam based site. Be very careful.

With 15+ years of experience in the online dating industry I know that even the largest dating brands in the world have had failings in their user privacy. This includes leaking your location, asking far too many personal questions and insisting you upload a photo of your face.
David Minns
Founder, Saucy Dates

Is adult dating for you?

Now you have reached the end of our advice, what do you think? Is adult dating for you? Do you know enough to avoid the pitfalls of fake sites? Come and make a free account and see what you think of our service.

Sources & References