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Adult dating in Canada

Adult dating in Canada can be a challenge. Some of the most unethical adult dating sites are owned or operated out of Canada. May be you have used one of these in the past and spent your time interacting with a computer bot or a member of staff posing as a genuine user? Saucy Dates is all about real members and making sure you get the best possible chance to arrange a real casual date with a likeminded man, woman, couple or transexual.

If you want a no strings casual relationship with a real person then come and see how we're different.

Media coverage in Canada has been in covered in several mainstream media outlets in Canada as well as famous international brands. So if today is the first time you've heard about us you can be confident that we're a well respected dating website.

Saucydates and the Canadian media

Privacy and security

May be not the sexy part of adult dating but without it you're private life could become very public. Here's just a fraction of what we do behind the scenes.

Ultra secure passwords that are near impossible to breach. Encrypted device to server connections. First name only policy. No addresses stored and geo-location positions approximated. Profile pictures only shown to members with an account, not indexed in Google. If you choose to delete your account in the future then it will be erased the moment you press delete.

Join & date other Canadians now

Act now, come and join now and enjoy casual hookups and adult dating tonight!