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return to blogs online surveys

We love collecting and sharing data via our online surveys. We always have a survey running, we use the results to create new and exciting blog articles. They are always quick to complete and take less than 20 seconds. So please complete our current survey.

Current Survey

What do you think about

Past survey results

Access our past survey raw results via the Media Bank or browse our blog articles for views and analysis on the results.

Media and press relations

If you work in the media and would like to ask our members a question then get in touch and we can set up a survey just for you. You can use our existing survey data on the radio, television, print media and online without any formal agreement as long as you reference the source with one of the following:
  • 'This data was provided by the free online dating site'
  • 'According to a survey carried out by the free dating site'
  • Source:
Please let us know when you use our survey data as we like to track our PR and marketing efforts as I'm sure you do too :)

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