What do users really think of Saucydates.com?
- Do they love the site?
- Do they hate the site?
- What could be improved?
- How do we compare to the competition?
Would other dating sites share this type of information with you?
At Saucydates.com we like to be open with our users. Our thoughts are, if we make a site that
people love to use, they will tell their friends and the site will grow. In other words we
want our members to be promoters and not detractors. Fortunately, there is a really easy way to
measure this and it's called the Net Promoter Score [NPS]. It ranges from -100 which means everyone
hates the brand, to +100 where everyone loves it. A score of 0 means that people are neutral and can take
it or leave it. It's calculated by asking users on a scale of 0 to 10 if they would tell their friends
about the site / service.
- 0 to 6 = detractors
- 7 to 8 = neutral
- 9 to 10 = promoters
The NPS score is then the percentage of promoters less the percentage of detractors. Scoring +100 is near impossible and
and very high positive score would be in the range of 60 to 70. We broke from the normal process by asking our members
to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 as asking if they would 'recommend' may not be right for the dating industry. Online dating
is a personal and often private activity so even if someone loves the service they may not actually tell anyone about it!
Here are the results split by gender as well as a combined score:
You can see that the men are generally not positive about the site, females are considered promoters but only just and the couples are detractors. Overall the score is negative due to the high volume of male membership. There is obvious work that can done to help improve these scores.
How can we improve?
In addition to asking for a rating, we also asked what should be improved. The high level summary split
by gender follows. Items in green are ones that we have addressed after first publishing these results.
Orange are ongoing areas that we are making improvements but will take time. Grey are suggestions that we
will skip as they already exist under and different name or at present are not possible as we don't store
the required data.
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What will we do?
We will do want our members have suggested we improve! This is the simplest decision in the world.
The site will be updated to address these areas and then a few months later we will run the NPS survey
again and track the changes, get more feedback and improve the site again. Customer driven development
is a major focus at Saucydates.com.
How do we compare?
We also asked our members if they used some of the other free dating brands and what they
thought. This allowed us to create NPS ratings for the competition. We will not
name them explicitly but they are all very well known brands:
The best competitor scored 0 meaning overall the members are neutral. Another competitor scored a low negative rating and
the remaining two had very negative user bases. What's interesting is that non of the major brands had an NPS rating
that would be considered strong.
At the moment Saucydates.com would rank as the 3rd best free online dating site from our survey results. Our score is
better than two competitors who are very large brands.
We also see being 3rd as a fantastic opportunity to improve the site for our
members based on their direct feedback.
The NPS survey will be repeated again towards the end of 2015 and we will update the results.
Thank you to each of the 695 people who took part.
We will work to address all the feedback and aim to have a positive NPS score as soon as possible.
If we can break into a positive score we may then be considered the
best free online dating brand!